'Lurch' Phantom

'Vampira' Phantom

'Old Phantom'

'Vampire' Phantom

'Alien' Phantom
Another catalog expansion that drew from the ghost and skull assortments was the #9209 - Glow-in-Dark Phantom Masks with Shroud which used more humanistic features and blue shadowing that differentiate from the simplicity of previous masks. The initial line up was launched in 1996 and comprised of the 'Lurch', 'Vampira', 'Old', and 'Vampire' phantoms. The 'Alien' phantom was released in 1997 and may have replaced the 'Lurch' mask, though both are exceptionally rare to find with cotton shrouds. As with most Fun World masks, they were originally manufactured with cotton shrouds and transitioned to polyester around late 1997. Some phantom designs were used for other product types like the #8919 - Glow in Dark Mask with Droop Collar, #9219 - Instant Disguise Mask & Cape costume, and #9223 - All-in-One Ghost Mask & Gown costume.

Brigitte Sleiertin-Linden cited Lurch from The Addams Family (1964) as the inspiration for her 'Lurch' phantom design, thus the name she attributes to it. She also cites Grace Jones as the inspiration for her 'Vampira' phantom for her unique facial structure. Grace Jones has played a vampiric character in the film Vamp (1986).
The Addams Family 'Lurch' character (left) and Grace Jones in Vamp (1986) (right).

The #9209 - Glow in Dark Phantom Mask with Shroud assortment was launched in 1996. The original line up featured the 'Lurch', 'Vampira', 'Old', and 'Vampire' phantoms. In 1997 the 'Alien' phantom was added, possibly replacing the 'Lurch' phantom. 1997 was also the final year cotton shrouds were produced, making both the 'Lurch' and 'Alien' rare masks to find on cotton shrouds, though polyester shrouded phantoms are considerably rare as well.
#9209 - Glow-in-the-Dark Phantom Mask with Shroud assortment.

The phantoms were used in the #9223 - All-in-One Ghost Mask & Gown and the #9219 - Instant Disguise costume product. This included the 'Old', 'Alien', 'Vampire', and 'Vampira' phantoms. The 'Alien' phantom was also used in the cape-less version of the Instant Disguise called the #8919 - Glow in Dark Mask with Droop Collar.
#9223 - All-in-One Ghost Mask & Gown costumes and #9219 - Instant Disguise cotumes featuring the 'Old' and 'Alien' phantom. [Photo: John Louis]